19th September 2024

Search Parwich Parish Council

Parwich Parish Council Serving the people in the Parish of Parwich

Phone mast site

The site requested by Shared Access is on a slightly raised area of ground in the corner of Parsons Croft behind the Pavilion and tennis courts. We understand that this location is favoured because the height of the ground reduces the height of mast required and the row of trees immediately behind it would reduce its visual impact.

The mast they have proposed would be a solid pole coloured olive green. (i.e. not an open lattice structure like a pylon). It would be 12.5 meters tall.

A survey has been carried out by flying a drone at the height the aerials would be mounted. This enables Shared Access to show residents and their customers what coverage could be obtained by the mast

Shared Access will also have to survey the ground to ensure it is suitable to build on and to establish the cost.

The mast would be provided with its own power supply. Maintenance would not require access by heavy plant (e.g. cherry picker) as the pole is designed to be climbed.

  • Pegasus Cover letter (PDF, 874 Kb)

    This cover letter outlines the role of Shared Access and the Pegasus Group. It has largely the same content as the letter sent to a number of residents in the village. It has been fed back that the reference to the Tennis Club is incorrect.

  • Site location (PDF, 629 Kb)

    Drawings and photograph showing the possible mobile phone mast location.

  • Site plan (PDF, 533 Kb)

    Plan of the site of the possible mobile phone mast.

  • Site elevation (PDF, 575 Kb)

    Elevation drawing of the site of the possible mobile phone mast.

  • Phone mast photomontage (PDF, 612 Kb)

    Photomontage of possible phone mast location.

Last updated: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 17:27