14th December 2024

Search Parwich Parish Council

Parwich Parish Council Serving the people in the Parish of Parwich

Responsibility for watercourses.

If a watercourse runs through, or alongside your property you have certain rights and responsibilities.

In particular you may have to remove blockages, if they cause flooding to other landowners' property.

You may need to get permission to make any other changes.

Landowners are generally NOT responsible for the consequences of the natural drainage of surface water from springs or rainfall from their property unless they have done something which causes a problem downstream.

Further guidance from the lead Flood Authority locally (Derbyshire County Council) can be found here.

Riparian ownership - rights and responsibilities.

Further guidance from central government can be found here.

Owning a watercourse.

Last updated: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 18:40